October 09, 2009   21 Tishrei 5770
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New services for social action are offered by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC). This is the Washington office of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), whose 900 congregations across North America encompass 1.5 million Reform Jews, and the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), whose membership includes over 1700 Reform rabbis. Their home page can be reached at http://rac.org/.

They provide a social action e-mail newsletter, RACNews. You can sign up at http://capwiz.com/rac/mlm/signup.

Note: to easily reach your members of Congress by phone, you may call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The White House can be reached at (202) 456-1414. In addition, you can use the RAC's online Legislative Action Center to send an e-mail message to your congressional representatives: http://capwiz.com/rac/home/
Protocols and suggestions for communications with congressional offices may be found at http://capwiz.com/rac/issues/basics/?style=comm


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Ongoing throughout the year

Join the Solel Mitzvah Network: Every member of Solel, as a family, can make a contribution. Any deed, large or small plays a role in Tikkun Olam. Please sign up, even if it’s one time, and help facilitate these services. The need for help includes:

  • Transportation for Special Needs
  • doctor appointments
  • worship services
  • classes
  • Visitation
  • hospital
  • homebound
  • Emergency Phoning
  • Providing Meals
  • illness in family
  • Support for Caretakers
  • errands
  • respite assistance
  • emergency pick-ups

The sign up form is located at Solel on an easel near the coat room. For more information, call the Solel Office at 847-433-3555.


Make a Difference in One Night!  On the second Sunday of every month, Solel members purchase and serve dinner to the clients of PADS in Waukegan.  If you would like to volunteer for one evening, please contact Ellen Rubert, 847-475-2392, [email protected]. 

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