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October 09, 2009   21 Tishrei 5770
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Sacred Worship

Sacred worship is key to Solel’s essence as a community.  Solel offers weekly Shabbat worship services on Friday evenings. Along with a lay-led service at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday mornings, there is a service, at 10:30 a.m., led by Rabbi Moffic and our young adults celebrating their B’nei Mitzvot throughout the year. 


Regular Sabbath services are not all Solel has planned.  Throughout the year, we will offer special worship events including:  six Friday Night Live services with the joyful music of Adam Kahan and Kavanah in collaboration with Lakeside Reform Congregation, grade level Shabbat programming, Tot Shabbat and Family Shabbat Services, and more!



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