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December 01, 2010   24 Kislev 5771
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Congregation Solel Membership Information  

For more information about Congregation Solel, our programs or events, please call 847-433-3555.

Evan Moffic, Rabbi

Wendy Rhodes, President

Allan Litwack, Executive Director

Geoffrey Prass, Director of Education

Warren Fremling, Choir Director

Phil Orem, Accompanist

Lindsay Schoenberger, Cantorial Soloist

Dov Taylor, Rabbi Emeritus



This year we will be offering a number of new opportunities for you to strengthen and build community connections at Solel. Through a brand-new Chavurot Task Force, we will be re-exploring chavurot at Congregation Solel. Chavurot are small groups of like-minded Solelites who get together for social, educational, and religious activities. Contact Sheila Marks or Scott Schwartz if you have any questions. If you are seeking a broader community-oriented event, we are offering that as well. Upcoming events will provide an opportunity to get to socialize with other Solelites and help raise funds for Tikkun Olam and to support future programming.

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