Siyyum HaSefer
For centuries, reaching the end of a unit of study, whether a book of Torah or a section of the Talmud, has been a cause for celebration. Congregation Solel's minhag (tradition) extends this custom to our youngest Hebrew scholars as well.
We honor all of our Aleph students with a Siyyum Ha-Sefer, or a Celebration of the Book, at a ceremony in the srping. On that day, our 3rd grade students participate in a Shacharit (morning) service that highlights their Hebrew skills. Our young learners receive a hand-lettered certificate from the congregation as well as their own siddur as gifts from the Religious School.
Preceding the ceremony, parents have the opportunity to write a brief paragraph and blessing dedicating the prayerbook to their child after engaging in a short, meaningful study session on what this occasion may mean in the life of your family. They have the chance to dedicate the prayerbook to the important Jewish values and traditions their child is learning at our religious school. The students then join us for their portion of the ceremony.