Our Rabbi Emeritus
In 1965 Rabbi Taylor founded Torah Corps—an intensive summer experience in Jewish living and learning for teenagers from the United States and Canada—and directed it for twenty years. Many participants in the program have gone on to become rabbis, cantors, academics, educators and Jewish leaders.
In 1997, his translation of Joseph Perl’s Revealer of Secrets: The First Hebrew Novel was published to critical acclaim, and he was invited to present a paper on his work at the Fifth Annual International Conference on the Haskalah, held at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in December 2013.
In addition to writing, teaching and lecturing, Rabbi Taylor has been a strong supporter of Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts, affordable housing initiatives and separation of church and state. Dov and Judith now make their home in Woodstock, Vermont, where he is the spiritual leader of Chavurat Ki-tov. He is also an active supporter of affordable housing initiatives and Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.